
Adds the specified word to the user dictionary for spell checking and hyphenation.

Command constructors

This class has two constructors. The first one adds a word based on the default dictionary for the insert point or selected text.

PAddWord(const char * sWord);

const char * sWord;

Word to add to user dictionary (maximum 63 characters)

The second constructor allows you to specify a dictionary to add the word to.

PAddWord(const char * sWord, const char * sLanguage);

const char * sWord;

Word to add to user dictionary (maximum 63 characters)

const char * sLanguage;

Language name exactly as it appears in Add Word to User Dictionary list box (maximum of 15 characters).

Multiple paragraphs. If you do not specify a language and more than one paragraph is selected, but the paragraphs have different dictionaries assigned to them, the PAddWord command adds the word to the publication default user dictionary.

Text tool not active. In layout view, if you do not specify a language, and a tool other than the text tool is selected, the PAddWord command adds the word to the publication default user dictionary.


PAddWord("PageMaker", "UK English");

See also

The PRemoveWord, PSpell, and PSpellWindow commands

The PGetPMInfo, PGetSpellResult, and PGetSpellWindow queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Utilities > Spelling

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